Warrior Roots Next Friday, Nov. 10-12th
Find Out More: www.warriorrootstx.org
Register Now: http://bit.ly/WarriorRoots
Via Madeleine Santibanez
As we imagine, create, and build on practices that radically value the resilient lives ( i.e. Indigenous people, women of color, trans & gender non-conforming people of color, immigrants, and others) this training camp seeks to:
*Develop the skill-base of community members and organizations to provide foundational training for community organizing.
*Expand and strengthen the communication networks, and resource centers of the people’s movements in Texas.
*Recognize accountability to the community and Mother Earth and cultivate stewards who work towards warriorship beyond activism.
*Cultivate a praxis of decolonization.
This gathering will engage in direct action for advancing grassroots organizing projects, critical conversations, and community building strategies among the people of South Texas with the vision of building a sustainable network of diverse communities able to mobilize, protect and defend themselves. #WarriorRoots #Indigenize #Organize
#ComandanteRamona #LearnYourHistory