Visions from the Inside: Day 12

As originally posted on Visions From The Inside

By Mata Ruda
By Mata Ruda

“We are not a threat for this country, all I want is refuge in this country for my children and for me.” –Excerpt from letter


ARTIST STATEMENT:  “I wanted to create a simple composition that focuses on the strength, selflessness, hope, and love of a mother who is enduring tortuous conditions because of a lack of a piece of paper. I covered the mother’s eyes with a phrase from her letter “Me siento frustrada, desesperada, y preocupada (I feel frustrated, desperate, and worried)” exposing what lies within the struggling mother, that and a “Broken Heart” drawing illustrated by the very mother whose letter I received. Not only does it express how she feels physically and psychologically but I felt that my illustration for this project wouldn’t be legitimate until some sort of (indirect) expressive collaboration with Sonia (the mother) took place.” -Mata Ruda




Visions From The Inside is a collaborative project between 15 visual artists and detained migrants at Karnes Detention Center.

CultureStrike in partnership with Mariposas Sin Fronteras, End Family Detention and 15 artists from across the country, brings you Visions From The Inside, a visual art project inspired by letters penned by detained migrants.

By visually illustrating these letters we aim to bring awareness and a better sense of the realities that people are experiencing inside of for-profit detention facilities, what led them to migrate in the first place and, most importantly, highlighting the resiliency of the migrant spirit.

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