Visions from the Inside: Day 5

As originally posted on Visions From The Inside
By Gabrielle Tesfaye
By Gabrielle Tesfaye

“I hope that you get out of there soon, don’t worry and don’t lose faith that God will make it up to you, always pray to Him that He give you strength to continue moving forward.” -Excerpt from letter


ARTIST STATEMENT: “In the letter, the girl wrote a lot about a higher force, about God, telling her to pray, to maintain strength, and telling her that “God will make it up to you”. I found that really powerful and, unknowing of what their specific religious views are, I found it important to include something in the sketch representative of faith, hope, beauty, strength and a higher divine purpose throughout the ordeals of the struggles of life. The girls tears lead into a flower, and from the petals of the flower there are words from the letter, reaching into the direction of the girls hair, to a hand behind bars.” -Gabrielle Tesfaye

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Visions From The Inside is a collaborative project between 15 visual artists and detained migrants at Karnes Detention Center.

CultureStrike in partnership with Mariposas Sin Fronteras, End Family Detention and 15 artists from across the country, brings you Visions From The Inside, a visual art project inspired by letters penned by detained migrants.

By visually illustrating these letters we aim to bring awareness and a better sense of the realities that people are experiencing inside of for-profit detention facilities, what led them to migrate in the first place and, most importantly, highlighting the resiliency of the migrant spirit.


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